Network Topology Setup in which System A can ping to B and C but B can’t ping C or C can’t ping to B by Using Subnetting.

Hello Guys, Today we are going to work on Network Topology,

so Let’s Start…!!!

What Is Network Topology?

Network topology refers to how various nodes, devices, and connections on your network are physically or logically arranged in relation to each other. Think of your network as a city, and the topology as the road map. Just as there are many ways to arrange and maintain a city—such as making sure the avenues and boulevards can facilitate passage between the parts of town getting the most traffic—there are several ways to arrange a network. Each has advantages and disadvantages and depending on the needs of your company, certain arrangements can give you a greater degree of connectivity and security.

There are two approaches to network topology: physical and logical. Physical network topology, as the name suggests, refers to the physical connections and interconnections between nodes and the network—the wires, cables, and so forth. Logical network topology is a little more abstract and strategic, referring to the conceptual understanding of how and why the network is arranged the way it is, and how data moves through it.

Now, Let’s See what cluster we are going to Do.

Cluster :


Step 1: Set Network Adaptor as Host-only adapter

Step2: Launch VM’s using above network type

Step3: Assign proper IP according to subnet to each VM i.e System

Step4: Configure Systems .

Before going to above steps we should know some termnologies:

What is Subnet ?

A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network. Subnets make networks more efficient. Through subnetting, network traffic can travel a shorter distance without passing through unnecessary routers to reach its destination.

What is a subnet? | How subnetting works | Cloudflare

Imagine Alice puts a letter in the mail that is addressed to Bob, who lives in the town right next to hers. For the letter to reach Bob as quickly as possible, it should be delivered right from Alice’s post office to the post office in Bob’s town, and then to Bob. If the letter is first sent to a post office hundreds of miles away, Alice’s letter could take a lot longer to reach Bob.

Like the postal service, networks are more efficient when messages travel as directly as possible. When a network receives data packets from another network, it will sort and route those packets by subnet so that the packets do not take an inefficient route to their destination.

What is an IP address?

In order to understand subnets, we must quickly define IP addresses. Every device that connects to the Internet is assigned a unique IP (Internet Protocol) address, enabling data sent over the Internet to reach the right device out of the billions of devices connected to the Internet. While computers read IP addresses as binary code (a series of 1s and 0s), IP addresses are usually written as a series of alphanumeric characters.

Now, i am going to use 4 Subnets,

  • 192.168.56.(192-255)/26

Now, Let’s do our Cluster upper steps :

  • Step 1
Host - Only Adapter  :

A VM can communicate with other VMs connected to the host-only network, and with the host machine. The VirtualBox host machine can access all VMs connected to the host-only network. The VirtualBox Host-Only virtual network adapter is created in a host operating system for use in the host-only network.

  • Step 2
Launch VM's,
  • Step 3
Set the IP address to each system,

System A

As you know we divided network into 4 subnet so system A has IP 192.168.56.

ifconfig enp0s3 netmask

System B

 ifconfig enp0s3 netmask 

System C

  ifconfig enp0s3 netmask 
  • Step 4

Now, we are going to connect system A to B and also C , so add route for B and C in A to for connection.

route add -net enp0s3 
route add -net enp0s3

Here , you can see that it is pinging to B and C but not sending packet . For that we have to also add route in B and C for A.

Now, we are configure System B which can ping to System A but not to System C.

route add -net enp0s3

Also configure System C as it can’t connect to System B but can ping System A.

 route add -net enp0s3 

And as you see System A can ping to B and also to C but B and C can’t connect to each other.

Now, we completed our task successfully….

Thanks For reading this article….!!!

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